Liberating women into financial freedom, by equipping them with the money tools & education to build their legacy

Take a reliable monthly wage in your own business, within 6 months.

The 5 crucial cogs you need in your money wheel

Take a reliable monthly wage in your own business, within 6 months.

The 5 crucial cogs you need in your money wheel

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio.

Behind Every Successful Woman is Herself.

How we work together

As women, we are pretty good at putting ourselves on the back-burner. We fill in the gaps, grease the cogs of the organisation, and just make things work. With all that focus on the people around us, it’s easy to ignore our own dreams and desires. 

So many women I work with find themselves in a constant hustle, having started a small business for flexibility. Still, it’s grown, and now they’re overworked and underpaid (ironically by themselves).

If you’ve landed here, chances are your financial concerns have niggled their way into view, and now it’s the only lens you can see your situation through.   So first; we refocus you. After UNLOADing your concerns we get you to the mindset of saying yes - to yourself.

Then we work on becoming UNAPOLOGETIC for our dreams and desires, reconnect back with our values, align to them and unearth your own path to success.

Finally we UNTETHER and set real financial goals, establish KPIs and focus on high value tasks.

Like many business owners, I had been spending far too much time working in it, rather than on it. I then met Andrea Dawson Action Coach. Andie’s coaching provides me with the tools, guidance and accountability I need in order to grow my business, so that I can ‘have my cake and eat it too’, in terms of work/life balance. I highly recommend Andrea Dawson.

- Wayne Taynton

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio.

Service Packages


Embodying Your Potential

Feeling spread too thin and struggling to find recognition for your hard work? It's time to UNLOAD and unleash your true potential.

Our "UNLOAD" service package helps you refocus, prioritize, and embrace the success you deserve. You'll learn to identify the right tasks, concentrate on high-profit activities, and create systems for long-term success.

Key Benefits:

Refocus and Prioritize   

- Recognize and define tasks that matter   

- Gain clarity on the road ahead   

- Identify winning actions (80/20 rule)

Allow and Accept Help  

- Identify the right support for your business   

- Establish success-driven systems and procedures   

- Implement strategies with confidence

Embrace the "Yes" Edge  

- Confront discomfort and push past limits   

- Focus on high-profit, growth-oriented tasks   

- Unload burdens holding you back

"UNLOAD" is designed to help you recognise your worth, gain peer recognition, and embody the woman who says YES to herself.

Don't let 'too many responsibilities' hold you back.


Embrace Profit and Clarify Success on Your Terms

Feeling guilty about making money? Do you struggle with the belief that profit is a dirty word? It's time to be UNAPOLOGETIC about your success and embrace your value-based approach to wealth.

Our "UNAPOLOGETIC" service package is designed to help you overcome limiting beliefs, set ambitious goals, and confidently forge your own path to financial success. You'll learn to align your values with your business strategy and unapologetically pursue the recognition and the money you deserve.

Key Benefits:

Maintain Your Values   

- Identify and overcome limiting beliefs   

- Align your values with your business goals   

- Operate with integrity and purpose

Set Ambitious Goals   

- Complete the "Ten Things Exercise" to clarify your objectives   

- Establish systems and procedures for success   

- Implement strategies with confidence and determination

Forge Your Own Path   

- Confront discomfort and push past doubts   

- Focus on high-profit tasks that drive growth   

- Unapologetically claim your success

"UNAPOLOGETIC" is designed to help you recognise your worth, gain peer recognition, and achieve your ultimate desire - all while staying true to your values. Don't let guilt hold you back from the financial success you deserve. Contact us today to learn how "UNAPOLOGETIC" can transform your mindset and your business.


Amplify Your Impact and Leverage Your Time

Are you struggling to turn your knowledge into action and power? Do you feel tethered to your business, unable to make the impact you know you're capable of? It's time to break free and become UN-TETHERED.

Our "UN-TETHERED" service package is designed to help you implement your plans effectively, harness the power of numbers, and get your ducks in a row. You'll learn to amplify your impact, leverage your time, and achieve the recognition and success you were born to have.

Key Benefits:

Plan Implementation   

- Identify the most effective starting point   

- Determine the support and resources you need   

- Establish clear roles and responsibilities

Power in Numbers   

- Set monetised goals and create a cash forecast   

- Develop a robust sales process   

- Establish key performance indicators (KPIs)   

- Determine your breakeven point

Get Your Ducks in a Row   

- Optimise your client journey   

- Establish a default diary structure   

- Focus on high-profit tasks   

- Let loose and embrace your potential

"UN-TETHERED" is designed to help you break free from the constraints holding you back, amplify your impact, and leverage your time for maximum results. You'll gain the knowledge, tools, and support you need to turn your expertise into tangible success and achieve the recognition you deserve.

Don't let yourself remain tethered to limitations any longer. "UN-TETHERED" can help you soar to new heights and make the impact you were born to make.

About Andrea

With over 30 years of experience running successful ventures, I know firsthand the ups and downs of being a business owner. I started my career in 1981, winning "Apprentice Hairdresser of the Year" twice before opening my own business in 1987. It was a rollercoaster, but finding my own business coach was a game-changer.

Since then, I've owned 6 businesses, employed over 200 people, and invested countless hours in learning and development. Now, I want to share that knowledge to help you achieve your dreams.

My purpose is to build a better world by coaching wealth into businesses. I believe successful business owners create positive change in their families, communities, and the economy. As your ActionCOACH, I'll be your mentor, sounding board, and biggest cheerleader, helping you overcome time, team, or money issues.

My superpower is simplifying complex business concepts and boosting your profits while giving you back precious time. When I'm not coaching, you might find me enjoying time with family and friends, exploring outdoors, or indulging my need for speed.

About Andrea

With over 30 years of experience running successful ventures, I know firsthand the ups and downs of being a business owner. I started my career in 1981, winning "Apprentice Hairdresser of the Year" twice before opening my own business in 1987. It was a rollercoaster, but finding my own business coach was a game-changer.

Since then, I've owned 6 businesses, employed over 200 people, and invested countless hours in learning and development. Now, I want to share that knowledge to help you achieve your dreams.

My purpose is to build a better world by coaching wealth into businesses. I believe successful business owners create positive change in their families, communities, and the economy. As your ActionCOACH, I'll be your mentor, sounding board, and biggest cheerleader, helping you overcome time, team, or money issues.

My superpower is simplifying complex business concepts and boosting your profits while giving you back precious time. When I'm not coaching, you might find me enjoying time with family and friends, exploring outdoors, or indulging my need for speed.

What people say about ANDREA

Unlock Your Potential: From Trapped to Triumphant

Are you ready to break free from what’s holding you back? At Trapped to Triumphant, we believe everyone can change their life for the better. Whether you feel stuck or just want more out of life, Andie’s Empowerment Coaching will help you move from feeling trapped to living with confidence.


Who is Andie Dawson?

Meet Andie Dawson, an experienced Business Coach who has helped many business owners succeed in creating a profitable and productive business that does not require them to work around the clock. With over 30 years of experience in the field of owning multiple businesses, Andie understands the challenges that small and medium-sized businesses face when trying to achieve success. Andie is driven by the desire to help these businesses overcome these obstacles and avoid the financial and relationship stress that often accompanies growing a successful business. Andie’s talent for asking the right questions and helping business owners see the best way forward stems from her early days as a multi-salon owner. Having to juggle teams of young people to lead them to be the best problem solvers for the most gorgeous outcomes for her clients/customers. Andie has often said when she was a mediocre leader that is the results she got, mediocre. When she became a great leader that’s when the businesses started paying for themselves, and she got what she deserved, profit, and her time back, and she also got to choose when she worked in the business rather than the business running, and sometimes ruining her life, and relationships with the people she was actually doing this for in the first place. Today, this skill helps her provide an outsider’s perspective that business owners often cannot see from their in-the-trenches viewpoint. Beyond her work as a Business Coach, Andie is also a devoted mother of adult children, and avid advocate for women in DV/FV, and an animal rescuer. You will find her mostly, in her spare time, outside in the great outdoors, gardening, walking in the bush and bit of fossicking.

Who is Action COACH?

ActionCOACH is the world’s number one Business Coaching firm, coaching 15000 clients every week in over 70 countries. Founded in 1993 by Brad Sugars, ActionCOACH from the very start has been set up with you, the business owner, in mind. As the alternative to conventional and costly consulting firms, ActionCOACH is designed to give you both short-term assistance and long-term training through its affordable and effective mentoring approach. Few companies have the experience in their field that ActionCOACH does, having worked with business owners both in group coaching sessions and one-onone coaching programs for more than 30 years. Andie’s access to the ActionCOACH network means when you hire Andie, you hire the full resources of the entire ActionCOACH team to find a solution for any and every challenge you may have. Imagine hiring a company with the collective knowledge of thousands of experts, in virtually every industry, in every corner of the world, ready to help you.

Why do you need a Business Coach?

As a business owner in Australia, you are constantly faced with challenges that can make it difficult to achieve success. That is where an experienced coach like ActionCOACH Andie Dawson comes in. Here are the top reasons why you should consider working with her: 1. Clarifying Business Goals: Without clear goals and a roadmap for achieving them, your business can quickly become derailed. Andie can help you clarify your goals and develop a plan for achieving them, so you can stay focused and on track. 2. Improving Business Performance: Every business has areas where it can improve. With Andie’s guidance and support, you can identify these areas and implement changes that will improve performance. This can include everything from streamlining operations to improving customer service and marketing efforts. 3. Developing Leadership Skills: Successful businesses require strong leadership. Andie can help you develop your leadership skills, so you can become a more effective leader and have a positive impact on your entire organization. 4. Boosting Motivation and Accountability: It can be challenging to stay motivated and accountable when running a business. Andie can provide the motivation and accountability you need to stay on track and committed to achieving your goals. 5. Increasing Profitability: Ultimately, every business owner wants to increase profitability. With Andie’s help, you can identify ways to increase revenue and reduce costs, which can lead to improved profitability. Working with an experienced coach like Andie can give you the guidance and support you need to take your business to the next level. With her expertise, you can clarify your goals, improve business performance, develop your leadership skills, boost motivation and accountability, and increase profitability. Do not let the challenges of running a business hold you back - contact Andrea Dawson today to start achieving greater success.

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What’s an Alignment Consultation?

The Alignment Consultation is where Andie starts with every business owner. During this meeting, Andie will learn as much as possible about your business, your goals, your challenges, your sales, your marketing, your finances and so much more. An Alignment Consultation is done with three goals in mind: First, to know exactly where your business is now; Second, to clarify your business and personal goals: And third, to get the crucial pieces of information needed to create an ActionPLAN for your business that will cover the next 12 months. The plan is not a traditional business or marketing plan, but rather a step-by-step plan of action you will work through as you continue through the duration of the one-on-one coaching program ... The plan is also what makes the Alignment Consultation so profitable for our clients.

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What is one-on-one coaching?

One-on-one coaching is a program where Andie will work with you one-on-one for at least 12- months to help you turn possibility into a reality and build a business that gives you more money, more time and more enjoyment in life. One of the major disadvantages of an owner operated business, compared to a large corporate enterprise is access to intellectual resources. A corporate enterprise will have a management team, CEO and a board of directors to tap into for ideas and business know how to navigate challenges and create competitive advantage. When you work one-on-one with an experienced business coach such as Andie, you have effectively doubled the business intelligence of your business, and this can have a dramatic effect on your competitiveness in the market and the performance of your business. There is not an area of your business that oneon-one coaching does not touch. From weekly or fortnightly coaching and goal setting sessions to working with you on your new marketing pieces, you will develop new sales strategies and business systems and learn all you need to know to build a profitable business and an amazing lifestyle for you and your family. We understand that every business is at a different level and that is why we have also developed multiple programs to fit the needs of every level. Unlike a consultant, Andie will do more than just show you what to do; she will be with you when you need her most as each idea takes shape, as each campaign is put into place, as you need the little pointers to make things happen. Andie will also be there when you need someone to talk to, when you are faced with challenges or, most importantly, when you are just not sure what to do next. Andie will be there, with you every step of the way.

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Why at least 12-months?

If you have been in business for more than a few weeks, you have tried at least one or two so-called “quick fixes”. Most consultants seem to think they can solve all your problems in a few hours or a few days. Andie believes in supporting business owners to discover lasting success in business’s which means she is not just offering suggestions or doing the work for Like many business owners, I had been spending far too much time working in it, rather than on it. I then met Andrea Dawson Action Coach. Andie’s coaching provides me with the tools, guidance and accountability I need in order to grow my business, so that I can ‘have my cake and eat it too’, in terms of work/life balance. I highly recommend Andrea Dawson. - Wayne Taynton Your Property Advocates you. It means working with you to work out what area in your business needs most attention and has the greatest opportunity for improvement and then working with you to build your knowledge and skill in this area and then apply it your business. This way the benefits of coaching are yours to keep forever and your investment in coaching will continue to pay dividends long into the future. Each month, you will see your goals become a reality and you will gain both the confidence and the knowledge to make it happen again and again.

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How can you be sure this will work in my industry and in my business?

Andie has expertise in the areas of sales, marketing, business development, business management, and team building and, with literally hundreds of different profitbuilding strategies, you will soon see how truly powerful his systemised approaches are. When Andie first starts to work with you it will be in the areas that you’ve identified as most in need of attention. It will not be a case of fixing what is not broken. At the heart of every weakness in a business is a fundamental that is missing, neglected, or lacking in some way or another. It is never by chance this way. It is always because the areas that are neglected in a business are the area’s where the business owner lacks knowledge, competence, and confidence. These are the things that do not get done or get done poorly and this in turn impacts on the performance of the business. Just as a sports coach works on eliminating the weakness in their players game, a business coach works on eliminating the weakness in the business owner game. This may also mean maximizing the business owners’ strengths and the time they spend on those strengths for the betterment of the business.

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Won’t this just mean more work?

Andie’s goal is to help you build a Profitable, Commercial Enterprise That Works Without You. The last two words are the most important because, in the end, Andie’s goal is to have you no longer working IN the business, but, instead, working ON it. That means more time to spend doing what you want to do while the business serves you, instead of the other way around. Of course, when you set the plan with Andie, it may seem a bit overwhelming, but no one ever said attaining your goals would be easy. And, yes, at first it will take some extra work to adjust to your new plans... but the more you stick to the plan, do the work and change what has to be changed then in time you’ll be rewarded. How fast this happens is up to how disciplined and willing you are to do the work but as you do, you will start to see the performance of your business improve and this will energise you and give you confidence to keep moving forward.

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How will I find the time?

Time mastery is an essential skill all business owners need. Its more than just scheduling tasks and managing your calendar. It is a mindset always in seek of the most valuable way to invest your time into the business, combined with a willingness to peel off, train and delegate lower value tasks to the team. This way, the time to do the valuable stuff is maximised. In the early part of the coaching, Andie will support you with a number of tools and strategies to help you “find the time” you need to start working on the business. The first few months will be the toughest. You will not necessarily be working harder just differently, and it is this difference that will ultimately make the difference to your business and life in the long run.

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How much will this cost?

Your investment will depend on the size of your business and the scope of our undertaking together Andie will work this out with you so it will be appropriate for your business and the goals you want to achieve. You will find working with Andie is just like having a marketing manager, sales team leader, trainer, recruitment specialist and mentor - all for one nominal investment. Everything you do with Andie is a true investment in your future. Not only will you begin to create great results in your business, but you’ll end up with an entrepreneurial education that is second to-none. With that knowledge, you will be able to repeat your business success over and over again in other ventures.

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What areas will Steven coach me in?

Our “5 Ways” and “6 Steps” are two of the most powerful formulas in the world of business and we put it to use to work with you in all areas to help you multiply your revenues and profit... but that is just one area of our focus. When you work with Andie, the emphasis taken will depend on you, your business, and of course, your goals. The key areas include: Sales and Finance: How will you know if you are winning if you do not understand the scoreboard? This is the backbone for creating a profitable business, and one of the areas we will help you get spectacular results in. Marketing & Advertising: If you want to make a sale, you have got to find a prospect first. Over the next 12 months Andie will teach you amazingly simple, yet powerful, streetwise marketing techniques and approaches that will drive profits. Team Building & Recruitment: You’ll never wish to find the right people again. You will have motivated, passionate, enthusiastic, loyal team members for your business when Andie shows you the 7 keys to a winning team and how to put them to work in your business. Systems & Business Development: End the hopeless cycle of “the business running you” and begin running your business. Andie will show you the secrets of having your business “work” ... even when you are not there. Outstanding Customer Experience: Discover how to deliver your product or service consistently, making it easy for your customers to buy and leaving them feeling delighted with your service. Learn new ways to motivate your current customers to give you referrals and to ensure their repeat business. These are just two of the many strategies we will teach you.

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Can you also train my people?

Yes ... training your people is almost as important as coaching you. Andie can conduct a variety of training and development workshops, covering Communication, Sales & Service and Leadership. You will be amazed at how much enthusiasm and commitment comes from your team as they experience this training and learn new skills.

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Why do you also recommend reading books?

The more you learn the more value you will get out of the coaching and the greater the results will be. You will save yourself time and money and accelerate the achievement of your goals. The more knowledge you have the more time that can be spent on developing and implementing winning strategies in your business rather than educating you on the basics. You have to learn before you can earn! 14. When is the best time to get started? Right now! Before you take another step, waste any more money, lose another sale, work too many more hours, miss another family event, or forget another special occasion, you need to call Andie today. Remember, what you know got you where you are today. To get where you want to go, you have got to make some changes and most likely, you’ll have to learn something new ... 15. What’s the first step? The first step is to call now and arrange a complimentary business strategy meeting with Andie. This is where you will get to know Andie and Andie will get to know you and learn about your business and its challenges. Together you will start to understand the priorities and identify some immediate strategies to get to work on. Most importantly though, this meeting is all about working out if there is a good fit and that you are ready for coaching. It is designed to give you the space to make a good decision so by the end of the meeting you are ready to commit 100%. Andie began coac

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When is the best time to get started?

Right now! Before you take another step, waste any more money, lose another sale, work too many more hours, miss another family event, or forget another special occasion, you need to call Andie today. Remember, what you know got you where you are today. To get where you want to go, you have got to make some changes and most likely, you’ll have to learn something new ...

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What’s the first step?

The first step is to call now and arrange a complimentary business strategy meeting with Andie. This is where you will get to know Andie and Andie will get to know you and learn about your business and its challenges. Together you will start to understand the priorities and identify some immediate strategies to get to work on. Most importantly though, this meeting is all about working out if there is a good fit and that you are ready for coaching. It is designed to give you the space to make a good decision so by the end of the meeting you are ready to commit 100%.

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In a 30min call we will uncover your challenges and hone in on the gold you have at your fingertips.

I will come up with 3 strategies to save or make you money - tailored to your unique business.